jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

El accidente de avión en Canarias que nunca existió... salvo en Twitter

Algo curioso...

La noticia completa;


This Teenager Got a McDonald’s Receipt Tattooed On His Forearm

Está claro que "tiene que haber gente para todo"... esta jocen de 18 años se tatuó un ticket de Mc Donalds en el brazo...
El artículo completo;

How does hostage negotiation get people to change their minds? :: TIME.COM

The Behavioral Change Stairway Model was developed by the FBI’s hostage negotiation unit, and it shows the 5 steps to getting someone else to see your point of view and change what they’re doing.

To read the article;


6 Hostage Negotiation Techniques That Will Get You What You Want

Bruce Lee...

North Korean University Students Are Now Reportedly Required to Get the Same Haircut as Kim Jong Un

North Korean University Students Are Now Reportedly Required to Get the Same Haircut as Kim Jong Un

Transformación industrial FLEXI-EFICIENTE; 10 puntos clave.

En un entorno tan competitivo y cambiante como el actual, es imprescindible que los desarrollos industriales se orienten a la transformación...